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sponcorship & donations
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gang show team

Sponsorship and Donations

We are currently looking for sponsors for our 2015 show. In sponsoring our show, we would arrange for your company logo to be included in the show programme. Gang Show is musical review, the cast comprising 80 or so members of the local Scout and Guide Associations. Many people have the preconceived idea that a 'Gang Show' is a bunch of scouts singing campfire songs, probably off-key and dressed in a dubious collection of costumes. Northallerton Gang Show's musical repertoire ranges from Berlin & Porter to Verdi and Lloyd Webber, as well as Queen, Beatles, material of Ralph Reader and completely original material. Combine this with an average 800 costumes per show; you have an entertainment of extremely high standard.

Any Profit...

Dictionary definitions of profit quote such words as advantage, benefit, and value, all of which can be considered outside the financial sphere. If one does so, then the Scout Association is an extremely profitable organisation. Recognised by industry as providing sound leadership training, the advantages, benefits and value of its work can be measured by the fact that it remains the largest youth organisation in the world. If any small financial surplus is achieved this is ploughed back into the next production.


Northallerton Gang Show produces a programme for each show. This is a multi-paged, colour booklet, with a balanced mixture of show information and advertisements. Advertisements are available on the following basis: · Full Page · Half Page · Quarter Page As we are now on the Web, we can also include your company logo (this would need to be supplied in a suitable graphics format or art work suitable for scanning) and provide a link to your own web site. If you would like to place an advertisement in our next show programme, or require any further information, please register you interest by emailing our chairman Reg Mitchell.

Help by advertising

The cost of the available advertising space within the programme for 2007 is :
  Full Page Half Page Quarter Page
Standard price £90.00£60.00 £30.00

Help by sponsorship

Sponsorship of the show offers far greater opportunity for advertising. Sponsors are listed on a leading page of the programme and the inclusive half page advert for each sponsor will be placed in a preferential position. Sponsors are also mentioned in pr

Help Donate a Prize or service

If you feel you cannot support us by either sponsorship or advertising perhaps you could donate a prize for one of the many raffles and draws that we will be holding to raise the necessary money to make this exciting project possible or can you help in ot
  • Offer discounts on products?
  • Display our publicity?
  • Pass on this information to others?

We would like to hear from you however you are able to help.

E-mail: Richard Shuttleworth

This information in a printable format (PDF).

© 2015 Northallerton District Scout Council