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Join in the fun with the Northallerton Gang

Crew Recruitment

For the Northallerton Gang Show, we will require a support team of volunteers working behind the scenes in many different areas.
The support team are responsible for providing the behind the scenes and front of house support to the performers of the show.
We require help in the areas listed below. If you would like to have a chat or require more information about any of the roles please contact us.

The Wardrobe Team are responsible for the making of the costumes between June and November. If you are interested in helping in this team please contact the Wardobe team leader.

The Front of House Team are responsible for everything that happens between the front doors of the theatre and in front of the stage. They need help with help between June and November with the box office, gang show shop, stewards, programme selling and so many other roles. If you are interested in helping in this team please contact the Front of House Manager.

The Stage Crew - assist with the building of stage sets and props between June and November and work during the show week.
If you are interested in helping in this team please contact the Stage Manager.


Cast Recruitment

Let the producer know if you want to be part of the cast.


For other information please contact: Richard Shuttleworth
E-mail: Gang Show Chairman

© 2015 Northallerton District Scout Council