Our first get together and rehearsal was held on Sunday evening 11th September 2005 at Northallerton Town Hall.
It was great to see such an enthusiatic cast all eager to take part. We started to learn the songs
for the show with the help of piano playing by computer and Steven.
Pictures from 11th September
On the Sunday 18th September we met at Northallerton Scout Hut where where the Cubs and Brownies were able to start
learning their parts in one hall whilst the Scouts and Guides were in the other hall. We then moved on to the Town Hall,
The Musicians had there initial run through in the lower hall.
Pictures from 18th September
Video Clips:
1 - Cubs and Brownies
2 - Scouts
Sunday 25th September we met at Northallerton Town Hall, where we made use of both halls.
Pictures from 25th September
Video Clips:
1 - Upstairs and down
2 - All together...
The weekend Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October was our "Gang" Camp held at the Watson Scout Centre
in Carlton.
This was a great Opportunity for all cast members to get to know each other better and to get lots of practice with the songs, dancing and scripts.
Our thanks go to the five Explorer Scout Young Leaders from
Redcar & Eston who came along to cook all our meals.
After the camp the musicians met in Northallerton for a practice and first run through some of the newly aranged music.
Pictures from the weekend
Video Clips:
1 - Flag Break
2 - Jungle Rhythm
3 - Relaxation
4 - Instructions for the cast
Practice continued in the Town Hall on Sunday 9th October with the cast making use of both halls and part of the band practicing
on the landing.
The session also incuded a photo call for all cast members.
Pictures from the 9th October
Video Clips:
1 - It's the Opening again...
2 - Cubs and Brownies
3 - Razzle Dazzle
4 - Hello!
We met at the Scout hut on Friday 14th October.
Pictures from the 14th October
Video Clips:
1 - Sailors and Pirates
2 - Drunk Sailors
3 - More sailors
3 - I did put the film in!
4 - Hello Again!
Reharsals then continued on Sunday 16th October in the Town hall.
Pictures from the 16th October
Video Clips:
1 - Music and Movement
2 - Five Little Fellas
Following our now regular routine, we again met at the Scout
hut on Friday 21st October and again at the Town Hall on Sunday 23rd.
Pictures from Friday 21st October and from Sunday 23rd October
Still following the regular routine, Rehersals took placet at the Scout
hut on Friday 28th October and again at the Town Hall on Sunday 30th.
Pictures from Friday 28st October and from Sunday 30th October
On both Friday 4th November and Sunday 6th we met at the Scout Hut.
Pictures from Friday 4th November and from Sunday 6th November
Jason designed this
from which we produced this!
Well Done Jason |
Friday 11th November we were in the Scout Hut with a chance to try some costumes as well as reheasal time.
Sunday 13th we had our first run through on the stage.
Pictures from Friday 11th November and from Sunday 13th November
Friday 18th November a few final ajustments and more trying on costumes.
Saturdau 19th - Custume day!
Sunday 20th Lights, Sound, Camera, action.... Well done eveyone.
Pictures from Friday 18th November, Saturday 19th November
and Sunday 20th November
The first night arrived (Tuesday 22nd November) and a quick run through the second half before the audience arrived.
Pictures from pre-show rehersal
Wednesday 23rd the second night, here are some pictures from the "backstage" view.
Thursday Night's performance, pictures from the First Half and the Second half.
Friday Night's performance and crew Pictures
After a week to recover, Saturday 3rd December and time for a Party!
Contact: Steven Brown
E-mail: Northallerton.Gangshow@tees.ac.uk
Where are the places we may meet?
(NSGC) Northallerton Scout Headquarters is on in Northallerton.
(NTH) The Town hall is on Northallerton the High Street.
(HTF) The Hambleton Forum is on Bulamoor Road, Northallerton. (Nearer to the rounderbout than the arrow shows on this map!)